Bathrooms today have become a retreat where you can relax and unwind at the end of the day. Freestanding tubs and large walk-in showers create a spa-like atmosphere, and all of our custom home designs at Collins Builders include oversized vanities in the Owner’s Bath. Having a well-organized bath enhance the serene feeling of the space.
Linen Storage
Having a place to house your towels, washcloths, sheets, and other linens in the bathroom helps keep those items right where you need them. A linen cabinet that matches your vanity adds design and function to the bath. These cabinets are 21″ deep and can stand alone, or attach to the end of your vanity. They are also useful for toilet paper storage if you have extra space in your toilet room. If you have a large number of folding space requirements, choose a linen cabinet with shelves for the full height. If just a few shelves are needed, then choosing a cabinet with drawers or a fold-out hamper in the bottom will maximize your storage.

Grooming and Toiletries
Small items like clippers and lipstick can easily get lost in a vanity drawer if not organized. Wood inserts are available for the drawers that create compartments for all your makeup and other toiletries. These work best in the top drawer of your vanity as they are shallow, so you don’t waste the space. The bottom, deeper drawers are the perfect place to store hairdryers, lotions, and other large items. Another excellent option for storing your hair care tools is a pull-out grooming organizer. These have metal bins that are heat resistant for dropping in curling irons and hair dryers, and shelves below for organizing hair gels and sprays. Adding an electrical outlet in the rear of the pull-out allows you to leave these items plugged in and store them away.

Trash and Laundry
There are several types of small trash cans designed for vanity cabinets. Some fit on their base to roll out independently, while others integrate into a roll-out shelf with storage spaces for cleaning supplies. Placing one under each sink keeps your bath tidy and organized at the same time. Fold-out laundry hampers can fit inside a base cabinet or a tall cabinet, giving you a place for used towels and clothing behind a closed door. Similar hampers are available for closet systems and could be the right choice if your closet is beside the bathroom.
A well-organized bathroom makes getting ready quick, easy, and allows you to unwind at the end of the day without the distraction of clutter. At Collins Builders, we love working with our clients to address their specific storage needs, and help them find the perfect solution. With so many options available, it’s easy to create the dream bathroom you’ve always desired!